Stock Market

Did the Stock Market Bubble finally get its trigger?

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November 8th brought the ultimate shock and the futility of depending on masses to the surface. Contrary to folklore, democracy and the “wisdom of crowds” appear oddly contradictory. In case that is not clear, yes, electing trump was very odd, if anything. The stock market indices first fell, and then selectively stocks for large banks, private prison firms, defense and other areas have risen.

There is a general sense of belief that the Republicans will come in with sparkling dust and a magic wand to reduce individual and corporate taxes and boost the economy. Yes, in the short term, this is very feasible. Well, this has been tried during the Bush Administration, and in Wisconsin and Kansas. Not once was the result good.

Furthermore, there is some giddiness surrounding expectations of the riddance of Dodd Frank, the CFPB, and oddly enough the ACA as well. Sure, these are all possible, even with all the legal battles that will ensue. But no one seems even a bit bothered that the absence of Dodd Frank is what in most part caused at least some of the problems leading to the crash in 2008.

Then, is worried that Freddie and Fannie Mae are in the gop cross-hairs. This makes it quite odd, if true. I agree with Realtor in that it directly affects the people who supported trump.

There are also some questions as to whether inflation will rise as is being expected as part of this run up, and as to whether if it did, that would be a good thing.

Trigger Point

Well, where does this leave us all? I think this election result is the trigger point. There is true irrational exuberance at play. Stocks are rising when the status quo is about to change, especially in ways that are not good. They are also not taking into account the instability of the president elect. He says and does things which make as little sense as possible. Plus, as someone who also did not believe he was going to win, he never had plans. For example, it has become apparent that besides vague threats to (and Jeff Bezos deserves it for treating his lower level employees like dirt), trump has no plans for the technology industry at all!

All the republicans want is to be rid of the ACA. However, none of them know what to replace it with. Because they wouldn’t. They never knew how to solve the healthcare problem. So, they will do really stupid things. Yes, they will not regulate as the Democrats have, but that is not enough to keep up the healthcare and insurance industry shored up for long.

So, taken in effect, along with trump’s volatility, the stock market is rising now based on nothing. Take this with the technology and real estate bubbles already underway, I think we will finally see rapid growth and the ultimate crash. It is now just a question of time.

Timing the timing

I don’t think we will need to wait long to figure out a way to judge things.

  1. I believe we will see the stocks rise, then plateau and then rise.
  2. When the interest rates are finally increased in December, we should see more activity.
  3. The various crazy laws that the gop plans to implement should start popping up as soon as Congress opens shop in January.
  4. Then will come the various executive orders in third week of January.
  5. Add to that the changes to immigration they want. I don’t know when they want to start doing this, but it should be pretty early on and will be very disruptive to the workforce. Several experiments have been attempted to replace immigrants with natives in hard labor jobs and they have never succeeded.
  6. Finally, given the incredibly crazy territory we are swimming into, there will be other unexpected signs. We just have to wait and watch.

The challenge is simply not in knowing there will be or that we are in a bubble. The challenge is in the timing. This is what I am going to try and track as closely as I can. Keep an eye out.



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Time Travel with GM, back to the Year 2000 and the prevalent foolishness

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Well, for years, GM helped you travel across space. Now, you can travel across time with them. Except, it doesn’t look all that good. Let’s have a look…

The year 2000 was filled with mass stupidity. Many mistakes were made, and we thought people would learn a lesson or two. Then rolled in 2008 with its own crisis and a “bail out” that is STILL the topic of Presidential Debates. Even just taken as averages, that is about one crash a decade, and involves both the players in this story – technology and automakers. And you would think GM would be one of the last companies to engage in such shenanigans as what follows. Yet, they decided to buy “Cruise Automation” with unproven traction for about a whopping $1bn according to reports.

Who needs to do the lesson learning?

Well, you and I are the ones who have to learn a lesson. A publicly traded company means this: “when you run a publicly traded company you are spending other people’s money, so play fast and be loose”. 

I don’t even know how I could criticize Mary T. Barra and the absolute insanity she has unleashed buying and investing in unproven technologies and companies without someone yelling “sexism”, but well, I support Hillary Clinton, so let us leave that behind if you will.

Now on to the topic. While some of the other GM investments such as in Lyft itself are quite questionable, this valuation, at $1bn of a company that has only raised $18mn (and will now give Y Combinator a reason to churn out all kinds of unicornish trash, ugh, and if you will spin-off even more predatory “incubators” – tune in on this later) and is probably not anywhere close to the valuation is absolutely bizarre.

Peer Pressure

This whole notion that instead of doing some ground-up thinking, the big 3 should simply just engage in knee jerk investment trickery seems like good old peer pressure, with all the unwarranted innuendos and snide references.

You may feel certain sympathy towards GM. After all, look at what Ford just did – invest millions of dollars to create some sort of “start up” that will engage, apparently in partnerships, and also its own technological innovations. But, in Palo Alto. Well, while that is very cute, Bosch and BMW beat them to this by decades. And of course, Tesla, Google and Apple are natives here and know what they are doing.  Not only that, with real estate prices in the Bay Area, picking Palo Alto in particular just appears like gold plating on the part of Ford. And yet, what GM has done appears to be the worst of it all.

Now I know that eventually, there will be a stable market for ridesharing, automated travel and all that jazz, but I think the hype cycle is still on an upward trend and investments made now will not equate to their real value.

My Theory

Without the valley’s rose glasses while I still live here, I am like a full grown grizzly bear in a petting zoo. That made it very, very, very, very hard for me to come up with any logical reason behind the valuation, other than the notion that Barra and all her advisors have gone bananas, and they probably have no downside to throw away their investors’ cash.

So, I have theorized this. All Economic Bubbles, are not just cyclic, but they also have repetitive patterns and key inflection points. With all signs of a global economy in disarray, an ailing oil market, and the tech market itself in a very questionable state, this would be the absolute worst time to value a company, what by 10 to a 100X.

And in the year 2000, we were exactly at this point. Investments were being made even as every logical indicator would have stopped companies. Thus, I think if I am not entirely wrong, we have about a year, or even less, before “it” hits the fan. And if I am wrong and it just takes longer for the bubble to burst, the downside is only postponed.

So, mark this point in time. Now let us see what happens…


  1. GM’s “purchase”:
  2. Image Credit:
  3. Ford’s Investment:

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The Real Estate Bubble and Tech Bubble are in sync again!

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With the economy in a meaningless drift, you would think that commonsense would raise its hand. But no! Per Realtor Mag, 81% of metros saw rises, with 17 of 30, seeing rises in the double digits. Are you kidding me?

Diseased Unicorns and Stock Markets

The irony here is this. The tech bubble is in an amazing swing, with all the Unicorns and their sugar daddies infested from the inside out. The stock markets, across the globe are just meandering in some marshy territories. There is absolutely no reason for this sort of unabated craze.

And when did houses in San Jose, CA started costing $940,000? Falsely advertised as the back yard of Silicon Valley, it is more like the backyard cesspool of the valley. I live there. I know. You simply cannot lie to me.

Who is to blame?

Knowing what is out there, if you paid $940,000 for a house in San Jose, YOU and only YOU are to blame for it. Because, sooner, rather than later, your house is going to become worth less than half of that. I don’t care how many promises Apple, Samsung and Google make of bringing jobs here.


  1. The Realtor Mag Article:
  2. Image Courtesy of:

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From GoPro to GoneBroke? And what about the camera industry?

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The title may mislead some to think I wish to derive morbid pleasure from the lay-offs, but I don’t. My sympathy always goes to those who lose jobs themselves – I was laid off twice within a 12 month period and I know how hard it is. I am also a photographer, so I am generally unhappy about the trend in the industry.

But first, I also have some other things to focus on.

Is GoPro a blue chip or even a good bubble indicator? 

Once upon a time, the tech bubble more or less meant a bunch of internet companies, or software companies and the associated PC industry etc. Gone are those days. Having lost a sense of focus or purpose, companies all the way from Google or Apple and everyone in between want to make everything from cars to dildos (maybe not, and this would be particularly ill advised as there are some really well established “players” in this line of work), in an apparent attempt to make sure their software, OS and apps etc. get on everything, from your mop to your refrigerator.

And, so GoPro would easily belong. Plus, when did they go IPO (which surprised me, as that is not the exit strategy I would have picked and it appears this is now telling), they were celebrated as some sort of a tech wiz, which Mashable (link below) also pointed out today.

Thus, you could claim that their descent is a good indicator. I am however going to try to present a counter argument as well.

Why is GoPro falling?

Last year, for Memorial Holiday, I rented out the GoPro. I had become fascinated with the pending arrival of the Hero 4, and I always wondered if there is a clear way for someone very used to classic SLRs/DSLRs to do something with the camera. A coworker of mine owned a GoPro 2, and I tried playing with it to not much avail. Still, I wanted to try the thing anyway. In the three days, it became hard enough to figure out how to turn the damn thing on – this with my brother, an uber-geek compared to me also chiming in. Eventually, the camera stayed in its bag and was returned almost as-is to BorrowLenses. So, lets take a look.

  1. User Base: I think the GoPro was and is certainly well marketed to sports and adventure folks. Plus, there are some very creative ways in which they are used around nature. Yet, look at me. I have been shooting for nigh on 22+ years and I just missed the cut for being called a “Millenial”. I am an engineer, I am quite comfortable with cameras and this thing should have been dead easy to figure out. So, problem 1: usability, customer training, marketing and on and on she goes.
  2. Diversification: Related to 1, I think a widened customer base was not considered and that would explain the drop in interest. Is there a way this can be used for street photography besides nature? Or, could you do technical engineering/science work with it?
  3. Product Release Strategy: When Hero 4 came out, the timing did not appear suspicious. In hindsight however, that should have been released by Dec. 2014 at the latest and then efforts should have been made to release Hero 5 by the holiday season in 2015. Even the magazine site that broke the rumors about the delay in launch made it clear that this was going to be bad news. And, the thing is STILL not released!! Hello?
  4. Accessories: Then, relating back to 1 and 2 one more time, because I think this is the order in which the seriousness of the issues goes down, the camera does not have any cousins, or accessories/attachments or anything that can bring in some floating cash. I mean there are all these tiny trinkets they supply, but those things are usually just “bundled” into one price. This I believe is a major weakness for the organization.
  5. One Trick Pony: This doesn’t go back to accessories or inspiring other uses for the GoPro, but this goes back to the organization’s ability to actually release OTHER products. This is clearly why I was shocked when they went IPO with what I thought was a sports/bike enthusiasts toy. The crazy rise in the stock price didn’t make sense either. And I still honestly believe, they should have sold themselves to a larger organization. Of course, remember Flip? The acquisition could have made things worse too, but, this doesn’t seem a great strategy either – a much delayed, haphazard release schedule for a product with a very narrow market.
  6. Content issues:  One of the things I had looked into was to access some of the user generated GoPro content (like I use Pexels in my work for example). For one, the sources appear few and far apart and simply quite expensive. This might be another reason why GoPro is seeing lackluster growth. I believe, if they made it easier for people to find content, publish content and be able to use it (this would take training, but can and should be done), then there would be an avenue for them to grow the user base.
  7. Organizational Leadership: I got to see the founder on Stephen Colbert’s new show (can’t remember the name, don’t care, especially since Colbert himself has sunk to 3 by trying to accommodate political guests whom his viewers do not prefer at all), and I got the sense of a very friendly guy who probably likes to do Yoga and eat Tofu, which most of us in the valley do. The thing is, harsh as my statement might seem, I didn’t envision a leader able to see a multi-billion dollar company through sustained growth. I don’t know if there is a different term besides the Halo Effect, but founders don’t make great leaders always. This one seems like an issue where a strong leader with vision and strategy for business success, and not just a good surf ride or two has been missing for a while.

Also, I am finding it hard to understand why the company had to grow more than 50% to about 1,500 employees. For one camera, even 750 seems like a lot! So, clearly, there are some                  issues at hand that need careful examination. I am also not buying the content of this tweet below:


7. Awareness of Industry Issues: Related to all this, is the general state of the camera industry itself. Big brothers Canon and Nikon are themselves finding it harder and harder to make sales          and have to fend off competition not only from smartphones with heavily megapixelated lenses and their own huge after-market accessories business, but also from camera equipped drones          and all other new threats. The less said of the Radioshacks of the industry such as Sony, Ricoh and Olympus (though they have a good medical arm despite questionable activities that                landed them in hot soup), the better.

So, if you look at all of the above reasons, it makes you wonder if GoPro’s problems really reflect the tech bubble, or just lackluster strategy and poor management. I am going with the latter. For more proof, I am going to detail some of the camera industry’s own problems, which are not very different from what GoPro is facing but not really addressing.


The Camera Industry

I am not exactly what is called a “gear head”, but I am also a bit primitive in that I hold camera equipment in very high regard. But, most people don’t care so much and this was further egged on my smartphones, which made it easy for people to carry one less thing and get a lot more functionality out of the phones. This started the descent for the camera industry in general, and they still appear to randomly wander around without a strategy. This extends to all camera related companies. Remember Kodak? Also SanDisk is about to be swallowed…

  1. Smartphones: I have already said enough, but this is factor number 1, and the phones are going to go nowhere, so this is the main existential threat to the camera industry. For anyone who used to shell out a few hundred dollars or more to get a point and shoot, that cost is now easily eliminated, and most will never look back again. Now, the camera manufacturers are slowly trying to integrate the phones with cameras through apps and such, and that is good, but it only makes things worse for them in the long run.
  2. “Pound of flesh” features: If you remember your Shakespeare,  you can relate to this. In a response to competition and in an effort to try and recuperate losses, many camera companies came up with really stupid ideas. They’d add WiFi to a 5MP camera and want $1,000 for it. Maybe (and probably) Leica can pull that off, but the rest of you aren’t Leica. So no matter how exciting Popular Photography writers would like to make it sound, a $50 smartphone, in 2016, probably has WiFi and a 5+MP camera. So, to repeat, that is just stupid. And if you looked closely, you have no idea how many of them are engaged in this nonsense.
  3. Cannibals don’t like mirrors: I am speaking of mirrorless cameras of course. Now, the idea of expanding to a new type of product, reducing the noise from a falling mirror and the size of the camera all sound good, but when you see an ad that says “Look world famous photographer X uses our mirrorless camera”, what do you think the customer is going to do with your next desperate advertisement asking them to buy the new, new DSLR? Plus, the mirrorless bodies in most cases don’t take DSLR lenses. So, this is a one-way street, and most people won’t make a roundabout effort to come back up. ILC cameras just confuse me, so I am not going to go there.
  4. Dead PixelsWhen I finally made the shift from majority film to majority digital, I expected to be upgrading every 2 years or so, imagining a world in which camera companies took Moore’s law by the horns and gave us larger and larger pixel chips. Except, both Canon and Nikon still offer circa 20MP chips, and so, I still shoot with my Canon T2i. Please don’t faint. Maybe, I should have said that earlier. And it is a distant dream of mine to shell out the 7K or so it will take to buy the Canon D, but I am not too thrilled about having to use the tripod just to photograph a docile slot. So somewhere down the line, the pixel wars just ended and today’s cameras are almost  just as bad as cameras from 6+ years ago. This is truly sad. Yes, Sony has a 36MP sensor, but given that companies now historic instability, I am not going to make the switch. You get the point – a lot of room for improvement, a lot of room for strategy and it was all just chucked, by EVERYONE!
  5. Death by Lens Purchase: You can’t blame the smartphones for everything. Camera companies have embarked on a slow path to suicide. In a world of smartphones, GoPros, their knock-offs, mirrorless cameras, ILCs, drones carrying cameras and what not, they decided to screw the ones buying DSLRs. They first moved image stabilization from the camera to the lens pretending that was the “best thing to do”. Well, why didn’t they do that from the start then? The real reason is, if you buy the new cameras, you have to buy the new lenses. Plus, my friends and I went through a nasty experience. Through firmware updates and such, Canon made sure that slightly older Sigma lenses simply did not work with newer Canons! Can you believe that? How is being disloyal to your customer going to help you?

In any case, these are at least the major camera industry problems as I see them. Nikon is suffering. Samsung is rumored to shut down its camera division (which as of my last look-see, Samsung vehemently denied), and now we have GoPro. And besides a few innovation spurts, like the recently announced 120MP 35mm chip by Canon, not much is happening to stem this blood bath.


I guess in a round about way, I am saying this. this particular post is just about the camera/photography industry and GoPro. I believe it is possible for GoPro’s problems to indirectly reflect a down trend in the tech industry, but I doubt it. Yes, at least 105 jobs will be lost, people will have to find other jobs, relocate, etc, but I think, as stated earlier, those are not direct metrics or effects.

It would appear that every problem GoPro has currently, as is also the case with the problems of the camera/photography industry can be solved, needless to say, without layoffs. Whether there is leadership present to solve this or not, is a different story that only time will unravel.In the case of GoPro, as many people already surmise, they could become an acquisition target, which even now, will provide the pony with a stable and the shareholders with some returns..


  1. A Mashable Write Up on GoPro: 
  2. Images courtesy of:

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RBS to world: All hands on deck. Let’s panic!

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So, it appears many analysts in RBS (Royal Bank of Scotland) suffer so much from PTSD since the last financial disaster, they have now decided to express the most extreme negative reaction to everything that happens in the stock market (links referenced below).

So, on January 8th, while we were all wishing each other a much cliched TGIF, Andrew Roberts, whose humble title supposedly, is ” the head of European economics, rates and Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa research” at RBS decided to scare the living crap out of us all, by telling us to “sell everything or else…”

Great Wall

Yes, understandably, China has fallen by about 10% in about a week and the bottom is unknown. Yes, this has affected the global economy, even if the US economy remains unaffected by this, and in fact had its first rate increases in a decade or thereabouts. And yes, caution is important.

But sell EVERYTHING? Why not recommend something better? Such as a Market Neutral Investment Strategy? Or, a way to decouple or balance your effects on somewhat unrelated or fully unrelated economies?

And, please don’t tell me that you did not expect the very artificial Chinese economy to eventually fall. If you were paying attention last week, China tried to brake its fall with several more of its artificial measures, which only made things worse, so they finally gave up trying that. Maybe, they are just growing up. And if you did put your eggs in the Mandarin’s basket (which usually happens to be a very tough to access hole in the tree), it is time for you to grow up as well. Not call for all out panic!

Index Mania

Of course, all this doesn’t mean, we should not take a look at the possibility of a global slow down seriously. I learned with intrigue of this index called the “Baltic Dry Index” which apparently tracks changes in the prices of materials purchased in bulk, and things are seemingly not looking good. Take a look below:

Well, yes, what would you make of that? In a further explanation, the quoted US News Story (link below), states that, over the past 15 years, the index has fallen, only when the US or one of its major trading partners was in the midst of a recession.


I am only opposed to RBS’s manic reaction to the threat they see. I think the threat is real. Portions of the economy are riding through bubbles or hype cycles, globally and locally. In the US we have a tech bubble, which is yet to show any signs of slow down. We also have the 3D Printing industry (a write up is coming) which is finally coming off the high on its hype cycle, as other hapless souls across the planet climb on to that wagon pulled by a dying horse.

The threat is not a slowdown in the Chinese economy alone. The seemingly good Indian economy (something I question, given the real estate bust cycle they are riding over there, among other things) is sitting on a very lopsided 66:1 ratio against the US Dollar. The Indian and US economies are tied together. The bursting of the tech bubble here will have a direct impact on India, whose economy is quite unbalanced towards exports. Then there are large and small cycles, such as with either Oil on the large end (billions in profits have been wiped out recently in fluctuating oil prices which is still ongoing)  or with 3D Printers, where large (3D Systems and Stratasys) and small hype cycle riders are taking hits.

The question now is, will these crashes meld into a positive feedback system, or will we see a cascading effect, where the hits will come one after the other.


  1. The US News Article:
  2. The WSJ Article:
  3. Images courtesy of:

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