
Brief: While we prepare for new tech bubble stories, here are stories on some old ones..

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Bubbles are not to be celebrated, unless you take pleasure from shorting on others’ misfortunes, or, you are a cat (raspy, grooming tongue-in-cheek reference with the image, if you get the next sentence). In any case, today, our friends at O’Reilly shared a link from “Mattermark” which linked stories such as the erstwhile failure of fame, pets.com and others we have heard but forgotten over the years..

No one can be blamed for fading memories, because after all, we have had our own Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers in 2008 and are preparing for the next round, this time, not with mere cats or dogs, but UNICORNS!  Someone, I forget to remember who, also went on to create “bicorns” and “centicorns” in reference to the currently growing bubble with really expensive cat photo collectives and DIY Taxi cabs…

However, History can teach us a lot, so here is the link. I sampled a few, great read and needs bookmarking: https://mattermark.com/scenes-from-a-bust/?imm_mid=0e1760&cmp=em-iot-na-na-newsltr_20160310

Thanks O’Reilly and Mattermark!

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/en/cat-bubbles-animals-play-1198232/

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